Crafts · The Worsted

Finally Friday

Hello Friday, my old friend.

Cupcake and a ridiculous cup of coffee is exactly the kind of breakfast I need after this week. To be clear, when I say a ridiculous cup of coffee, I mean the exact same style of coffee that I drink everyday, multiple times a day. (Though in fairness to myself, I did make it spectacularly well this morning).

It’s not that this week has been bad, or hard even, just…trying.

My first craft show is rapidly approaching, in 2 weeks. It’s a small-time thing, but kinda a big deal to me. So I’ve been crocheting and folding paper like a mad woman, trying to prepare. Biting off more than I can chew, probably.

And meanwhile, my bosses have been out of the country. I’m lucky enough to have bosses that I legitimately miss them when they’re gone–they are lovely, and hilarious, and just all around wonderful people and bosses. But in addition to missing them, my workflow slows down SIGNIFICANTLY. And in an already slow season…the task that I normally do 30+ times a day, has only needed to be done around 5 times a day this week.

So, lot’s of free time. Time that I would much rather use crocheting or folding paper. (Confession: I did crochet a pair of hand warmers at work this week, because my office has been FREEZING. Look for the pattern in the next day or so!). Time that I’m using freaking out about how much crocheting and paper-folding I have to do in the next 2 weeks. Time that I’m wasting worrying about LSAT studying/law school applications (not, you know, doing the actual studying. That would make too much sense), and how to ship paper snowflakes, and if it makes sense to offer gift wrap on Etsy when it will raise the cost of shipping significantly, and how to best market myself while still authentically being an introvert, etc, etc.

In other words, it’s time to start blogging again. I was a little bit of a child prodigy when it comes to blogging (not really).  I started blogging in early 2001, at the ripe old age of 14. I guess Xanga and LiveJournal technically existed then, but they hadn’t had their (angsty, teenage emo tear-filled) moment yet. I never got super into social blogging, mostly because I didn’t want the whole world reading what I was writing. This makes perfect sense, yes?

But blogging’s an entirely different ballgame now, and it’s long been time to throw my hat back in the ring. I’ve had some folks after me for a while to tell my ridiculous-but-hilarious-and-just-incredible dating stories. And some other folks who’ve been asking for recipes–namely paleo/clean eating recipes, but also ridiculous heart-attack-inducing monstrosities that have earned the street name Viking Army Feasts. And now that I’m crocheting and embroidering all the time, it seems like I ought to start sharing patterns. And, of course, I’m just not being me if I’m not ranting about politics, and religion, and the patriarchy.

So here goes. Feel free to follow me on Pinterest or Instagram (@kateyorr) for all the latest on my shop and the blog, and don’t forget to check out TheWorsted on Etsy!

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