
Hi!  I’m Katey. I’m a 30-something, small business owner (The Worsted), crafter, traveler, wannabe cartographer, beer lover, and maker of ridiculous recipes. I’m from North Carolina originally, I have a BA in Religious Studies and all but a second BA in English-Language, Writing, & Rhetoric, and I currently live in a national park in the southwest. I also have a penchant for ridiculous things happening to me — my life is basically a series of absurd events.

I’m kinda notorious for refusing to play by the rules. In every aspect of life, really (except jaywalking. I take jaywalking VERY SERIOUSLY). I don’t really follow recipes or patterns very well, I’ve followed a ridiculous career trajectory that I’ve completely made up, and as any guy who’s ever been on a date with me can tell you, I do things my own way.

I love food blogs, and DIY blogs, and craft blogs, and Pinterest, and everything else that tells me how to live the best looking version of my life. I really do. But my life will NEVER look like those. No matter my good intentions, my living spaces and car will never be clean and organized. And while my meals may taste incredible, they will rarely look Instagram-level flawless. Half of the things I try to DIY will fail at their intended outcome, and may very well turn into something else entirely.

Not following the rules, not being picture perfect, choosing your own path, taking the long way around…that’s the unsung journey of the blog world. And those are exactly the stories I’m here to tell.


So what can you expect from The Worsted?

Ridiculously easy recipes–seriously, I cook with a slow cooker and microwave–that are mostly Paleo/Primal (and also some other random Viking Army Feast recipes that I love) and are super easy to customize for the pickiest of eaters (see also: takes one to know one!)

Crochet patterns for things you actually want to wear/use, sassy cross-stitch patterns, and paper craft ideas

Sales and other items from my Etsy shop, The Worsted.

Hilarious (and ridiculous) stories about my failed dating attempts, my former career in retail, and just life in general

Travel itineraries that I probably can’t afford to complete but feel selfish keeping to myself

Outdoor adventures — I do, after all, live in a national park!

Essential oils, natural products, and other natural health/beauty suggestions that have worked (relatively speaking) for me

Musings on being a single 30-something in a land of limited prospects


Want to be kept afresh to what’s happening at The Worsted?  Follow me on Instagram (@kateyorr) and Pinterest (@TheWorsted), and you’ll be the first to know about sales/updates at The Worsted Etsy shop, as well as free goodies from the blog!

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